Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

5 months! Can't you tell;)?!

Visiting with Anna and Ivan after the session! Looking good!


Anna's cat!

Me and Alec getting our pints:) HA!

Sean Ryan is a great old style singer

And a great whistler. And of course I chimed in with Sean Ryan's Jig and Reverend Brothers with a nod from the master;)! OMG 

Take a listen!

The circle

Alec Finn

Sitting to the left of the tree

My buggy on this trip

Long side The Crane

Nightly music

Most every night

To The Crane

For a fabulous afternoon session!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Kilfinane Christmas singers!

This mornings Christmas singers

And now....

I've landed in Limerick for dinner!

The Burren

I'm telling you the Burren is a fantastic place.

Good night Lough Rask

For those that don't know, Lough Rask is the name of The Wind's last album and namesake song contained within. That's why all the who-ha here!!!:))))

Sunset over Lough Rask

And around and around Lough Rask

And around Lough Rask

Around Lough Rask

Yes it is Lough Rask

A beautiful old woman with silvery hair and a violet sweater finally led me showed me the way.

And Lough Rask!

Here at long last!

Lough Rask

The Burren high in the background

Just as I arrived at Lough Rask

Lough Rask ahead thru the trees

On the road to Lough Rask

Spent today in Clare

Fergus River


For you!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Surprise, more roses

This has been my view all day.

We trimmed and planted 210 more roses! OMBeJezus tell
Me about it! Strong gale force winds today and mild temperature. Passers by stopping in through the day. Many breaks for tea and cakes and all the rest!